Hawick Common-Riding Committee Press Release
Wednesday 2nd May 2018
2018 Common Riding Changes
As Hawick Common-Riding gets underway, with the Election of Cornet Gareth J Renwick, Hawick Common-Riding Committee would like to make the public aware of several changes being implemented this year.
Scottish Borders Council have been running a high profile campaign to discourage and reduce underage drinking. ‘Don’t Buy It, Don’t Supply It’
New legislation came into force in Scotland in 2017 making it an offence to simply supply alcohol to anyone under 18 for consumption in a public place, this includes Hawick Moor. If adults are caught supplying (or buying) alcohol for someone who is under 18, they could face a fine of up to £5,000 or up to three months in prison. Under 18s will not be allowed to carry alcohol into the Moor and will be asked to dispose of it or it may be confiscated.
As well as ‘Don’t Buy it, Don’t Supply it’, ‘Challenge 25’ will also be in operation If you are lucky enough to look under 25 you will be asked to prove that you are aged 18 or over. This will be in operation at all licenced events, as well as at the sale of Hut Tickets and also to those entering Hawick Moor, therefore you must bring ID. Stewards may ask for proof of age at any time.
Last year Hawick Moor was marred by the poor behaviour of a few. In a bid to maintain the Hawick Moor as a family friendly event Hawick Common-Riding Committee have hired Dunedin Security to steward the Moor. As well as manning the entry gates the team will man the course crossing points and patrol the Moor.
Everyone entering Hawick Moor will be issued with a wristband, which must be worn while on the Moor. Failure to do so may result in you being charged entry again or asked to leave. All riders must get a wristband once they arrive on the Moor. Those attending the Friday Hut will have their wristbands issued at the Hut. Those entering through the turnstiles will have the wristband applied by security, those entering by car will be responsible for applying their own wristbands, (failure to do so may resulting in being asked to pay entry again).
Those under the age of 18 will have bags checked when entering the Moor as they are not permitted to carry alcohol in. The Committee would appreciate it if the public, wherever possible, could refrain from carrying glass into the Moor.
It would be greatly appreciated if the correct entry money could be given and that the black bags and bins are used correctly, no litter should be left on the Moor it should be disposed of in the bins and skips provided or taken home with you.
In another move to improve safety, and in conjunction with Police Scotland, riders returning to their horses may be stopped from remounting by the horse hirer if they do not think the rider is safe to remount. Marshals also have the authority to stop riders remounting and joining the cavalcade, if they are deemed unfit to ride.
All those participating or spectating during Hawick Common-Riding events are subject to the provisions of the Equalities Act 2010. Should Hawick Common-Riding Committee be advised of any acts of discrimination, victimisation of harassment the police will be advised and the offenders potentially subject to criminal proceedings.